
Monday 18 March 2013

A Simple Kind of Life

Jericoacoara, October 2012

We were super lucky to be able to spend two months in Jericoacoara, Brazil at the end of last year.  It was the most amazing two months of my life.  We got back just before Christmas and I knew that I wanted to live a more simple life. I'm tired of being a constant consumer and I'm tired of spreading myself too thinly, leaving myself with no time to stop and smell the flowers.

With our return came a move back to my Homeland in South Wales, a new Country as well as a new job for the Mr and a continuing job hunt for me.  This morning I was feeling really down after a great weekend (everyone saw the Wales vs England match of the Six Nations on Saturday, right?) and everything was beginning to get on top of me.  I spent a little while going through my Jeri photos and it reminded me of the reasons we went, the wonderful times we had while we were there and the way I felt about everything during the trip.

So, from today onward I am going to try to be more positive, drag myself up not down and take action each day to do something (anything!), so that I can look back at the end of the day and be able to say 'This is what I did today'. Even if - like today - all I've done is get dressed and written this.